Tuesday, October 19, 2004

if this is anything like last time, we're in for a world of trouble

so we're holding a mock election at work. today is the first day of voting. as of 10 am this morning, W was in the lead. there were about half a million votes recorded, with W getting nearly 300,000 of them. granted, the polls weren't open on the west coast for very long. but still, i can't help but worry.

last time, by a gross majority, the ineligible-to-really-vote youth picked the guy who currently resides in the White House. and that just scares the shit out of me.

i know our demographic, so i shouldn't be too surprised. but come on, kids! how can you still like him these days? don't you realize how hollow and untrustworthy he is? how dangerous to your future and to your country?

i know there's something to be said for having the man clean up after his own bullshit, but there's also something to be said for change! and we desperately need change! a change of policy, a change of performance, a change of presidency!

if this is anything like last time, we're in for a world of trouble.

*keeping my fingers crossed for a different outcome*


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Glasstrack said...

I wouldn't worry about it for that reason, unless there are some good statistics to back it up (and the fact that it correlated last time, alone, is not enough). There's a huge difference between "almost old enough to vote" and old enough to vote. The responsibility of being able to cast that ballot does induce at least a little thought. Just worry about the fact that most people are complete idiots and a "little thought," for practical purposes, amounts to zero. There are reasons to worry and reasons to be hopeful, but this one's hard to call. Just concentrate on the reasons to be hopeful and we'll see what happens.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger StudioGlyphic said...

You guys probably broadcast to a lot of religious private schools and schools in red-leaning states.

Don't forget that George Bush lost the popular vote in 2000, and, by the actions of the Supreme Court and some dirty tricks by the GOP, won in the electoral college.

Also, kids in high school generally tend to follow fads and things they perceive to be popular, so they'll just go along and vote Bush in the online poll with no good reason.


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