Friday, October 08, 2004

my second "super power"

so continuing with my walk around the park this morning, i noticed a few other strange, curious, mundane things. i think the ability to notice these things might be my second super power. because i catch these things all the time, including the infinitesimal, inconsequential things.
so anyways, here are a few examples of the things i noticed while continuing on my walk:

- a squished earthworm
- an (empty?) stroller stationed beneath a tree with no people near it
- scattered peanuts along the base of a tree
- the one tiny blue flower amongst the ivy
- a tree branch that looks like a dead squirrel

hmmm, i also have this knack for spotting roadkill while i'm driving/traveling. i don't want to see this, but i always happen to look at the right moment to see some dead animal on the freeways, in the street, against curbs. it's actually quite mortifying.

so yeah, one of these things might be a sub or second useless super power. lucky me.


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