Sunday, September 12, 2004

just can't get enough

as long as octopus keeps their half-off sushi anniversary special going, i'll probably end up there once a week. that's dangerous.

went again on friday night with penquin and gentleman drinker. then went to barnes and noble to buy more books that i know i won't get to for a while. got a couple of memoirs. one called Reading Lolita in Tehran, and the other Running With Scissors. they sound pretty interesting. i'll most likely end up doing some kind of book review once i finish with The Fermata. so far The Fermata is an enjoyable read. you can tell the author is fond of language and description. he's playful with it. good stuff.

finished off the night with some double apple tobacco at the local hookah joint. i love the spicy sweet flavor you get from drawing on the hose. it feels clean. so you trick yourself into thinking it's not bad for you. may end up going back there. just gotta make sure you're in no rush to get anywhere cause the service is very inattentive unless you're of the middle eastern persuasion.


At 10:47 PM, Blogger StudioGlyphic said...

Man I haven't used my shisha in forever.


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