Sunday, September 12, 2004

so it goes

true to the stars, thursday proved a day suited for capriciousness. during the downtime at work i watched the dying sun fade behind a hillside littered with hollywood homes. the pink orange light filling the crevices between structures like some kind of syrupy lava - fruit punch flavor - a new sugar coat for a faked sickly sweet life that rots your insides.

when i got back to the office the stage folk were doing "live shots" of jagermeister. so i took one of the styrofoam cups, filled it a fifth of the way and sipped. i couldn't take it in one shot (although that might have been wiser given the unappealing taste of the liquor). i hadn't eaten anything substantial in several hours, so i got a little loopy. what the hell were they doing jager shots for anyways? crazy people! maybe there are more virgos amongst us than i know...

then after work i went to the good luck bar with "smarty" and "hungry, hungry." it was pay day. it was our friday. and we thought why not. it's rare that we get these moments; especially now that i'm on a different schedule than everyone else.

we talked some about blogging. the different kinds of blogs out there, the various ways people use them. for some it's an experiment with creativity, for others a way to share stuff they find on the internet. still others use it to document the passing of their lives. often it's a combination of all these things.

it also takes a certain type of person to share their blog with the world. i wonder what kind of person i am. can someone who doesn't know me discern from my writing the things that make my brain tick? can someone predict my reactions based on the babbling in my blog? perhaps. really, this shouldn't even make much of a difference since i probably don't have very many readers lurking here.

so it goes.


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