Friday, August 13, 2004

funny story

my penquin and i were on the back porch with whiskey when we hear a voice at our door. it's about 10:30 in the evening and we can't think who'd be calling on us at this hour. maybe it was a neighbor come to tell us that our car lights were on, or maybe they needed to borrow a cup of sugar (does that even happen anymore?) for a visitor who was having an insulin attack.

so penquin goes to the door to see who it is. i hear "is this where 'eight23' lives?" i hear penquin answer, he calls me over. i walk through the house to the front door, and standing there bewildered is a co-worker friend of mine. i look at him and start to laugh. he starts turning red in embarrassment. and we crack up as the slow realization comes "your party's not until next week, is it?"



At 12:20 AM, Blogger . said...

i offered him a beer and continued laughing at his mistake. he gave me my gift, i opened it, and still kept laughing. when he finished his beer and got up to leave he took out his cell phone and started talking into it, "yeah, i checked out the place. it should be pretty cool for next week."


so funny :D


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