Friday, August 06, 2004

when the stars align

every once in a while, less frequent than a blue moon maybe, the stars align themselves in echo effect and double every happiness. today is one of those days.

here's what i got out of it:

* good coffee in the kitchen even though i didn't personally brew it

* got sorted into gryffindor house

* cat was kind enough to help me untangle a daunting itunes mess (it took a good hour to set things right again. but it was fine because it allowed cat to hang out for old time's sake)

* had a lovely lunch at "terrorist sushi" (amazing food, wonderful company and conversation, consumed alcohol, provided an extra long break from work)

* managed to not get in "trouble" with smarty or MPP over something stupid (basically i had to lie about lunch. if they found out where i went i would have gotten stink eye)

* found out today was a company sanctioned "leave early day" (which meant that after an hour of being back from lunch i was allowed to go home)

* had time to head over to wacko after "work" to do a little browsing (didn't purchase anything. but will probably be back tomorrow)

* light traffic allowed me to take the scenic route home through griffith park at a leisurely pace

* feasted at a brazilian restaurant that my penquin and i have never been to before. yay! was wonderful except for indifferent waiter (yeah. a day of complete food decadence)
[note to self: must go to the gym tomorrow]

yes, i was blessed with serendipity and kismet beyond belief today. and i'm thanking my lucky stars for it.


At 11:59 PM, Blogger StudioGlyphic said...

You guys still go to the gym? In my browsing of the Netflix blogs (yes, there's more than one), someone compared Netflix subscriptions to gym memberships. Heh. Except it's easy to watch movies. It's hard to go sweat for an hour.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger . said...

yes, we still go to the gym. went twice this week already. and each visit is longer than an hour. tomorrow will make the third trip. unless we go hiking or something.

i find i make less use of netflix than the gym. not sure if that's a good or bad thing though. :\

At 9:08 AM, Blogger StudioGlyphic said...

Probably a good thing. If I had a gym membership I wouldn't go. In fact, as a student, I probably have access to the on campus facilities, right? And I definitely don't use them.


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