Monday, July 26, 2004

studying sisterhood

as we've gotten older, my sister and i have realized we are inching ever closer to being two sides of the same coin. or maybe even the same side of the same coin. while this would normally be a scary coincidence with other people, it seems quite natural for us. and maybe i should be a little bit freaked out by it. maybe feel like half of a person. but instead i find it rather comforting - like having matching socks to put on straight out of the laundry on a cold, wet day. 

observation 1:
we'll walk into the same store, go our separate ways and meet up again 20 minutes later, both of us excited to share our finds; only to discover the other holding the same articles of clothing. or, we'll find stuff for the other to try on because it is in their size and would be something that we would buy anyways.

that's what it was like this weekend. we went shopping together. a bunch of different stores.  we went to giant robot first. i'm more the t-shirt queen than she is. i know i have too many of them already, but the designs are too too cute. and as i couldn't, shouldn't, get them all, i consulted my other other half.  she was able to help me decide on which articles to purchase, which items best fit my identity. some of them can be found here. and i gotta say, the shirts are pretty good.  sooo for me.

observation 2:
our taste buds and food cravings have crossed paths somewhere near the large intestines. ummmm, ok, that's kind of disgusting.  let's say they spark somewhere further up the line, in the neural synapses.

maybe it's out of greed for wanting a little bit of everything, but meals aren't the same with my sister. it's not enough to decide on what i'm going to eat, it's what are we going to eat? it's a talent born from necessity, developed by indecision, and fine-tuned by gluttony.  it's a way to maximize culinary contentment.

this was practiced time and again this weekend. at the dodger game - well, let's get a dog now. then later we can split a nachos, and maybe popcorn and cracker jacks. at the tofu fest - ok well, are you going to get the soy tacos? then i'll get the tamale. what else sounds good? ok, then get that and i'll get this and we can enjoy it all. excellent. sounds like a plan. at the movies - i'll prolly get nachos, so maybe get popcorn and we can get our own drinks. cool. 

really, we should not be surprised where all of this goes. must learn to eat for one, as one.

observation 3:
our attention and devotions will be offered up to, ideally - a brunette, with glasses, good style, good taste in music, smart, funny, a healthy body and adventurous appetite.  an accent is appreciated but not necessary.

we walked this morning and were discussing - boys. we were going over the ones that came before, the ones that have truly fallen, the ones that are still around but have lost some of the old love. we questioned those special qualities that determine goodness. a list has been formluated, characteristics have been carefully ranked, and it's agreed, potter is the one. potter during the quidditch scene in PoA. very good. maybe there will be two more radcliff(e)s to add to the collection. :)

yes, the older we get, the more we share, the more we realize "you are me." different flesh born from the same blood. inextricably connected, unforgivingly familiar, yet not claustrophobically close (anymore, that is).

we are two of the same side of this maglangque girl with the indefatigable fetish for footwear and knack for affordable couture. and if we had it our way, we'd both end up radcliff(e)s.


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