Wednesday, July 07, 2004

one goat sacrifice later...

so the peeps at work sort of know about this blog. they know it exists. they know i write in it. they don't know the address. and i don't think they'll get it from me for a while.
not until there are a few more posts in here. and not until i feel comfortable sharing it with them.
they are convinced that i'm using them as material. they are wrong. so far.
there's plenty of untapped topics for me to write about. i will most likely turn my attention to them from time to time. but they haven't yet consumed the entirity of this blog. so shut up already about what you think i'm writing! :)
no, "mr. poison paranoia" i'm not writing about your dead frog and your fish riddled with fin and tail rot.

heh here they go again. trying to guess at the name of the blog. if they really knew me it wouldn't be so hard to do. in fact, it's pretty obvious.


surely the clock is slow today....


At 11:43 AM, Blogger StudioGlyphic said...

All the same, don't write anything that could get you fired. Unless that's the plan.


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