Wednesday, March 30, 2005

stuff to say

i know it seems like i have none.

or that i don't do it.

but i swear i do.

just not right now.

not right this instant.

soon i will tell you all about it.

but no sooner!


are you waiting with bated breath yet??

(i'd advise against it.)

radiohead strike new chord

or rather, they plunk away notes in successive order to create a new song, "arpeggi."

you can hear it here.

you can read the lyrics here.

and read a review of it here.

(unless of course these links prove broken.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

caught in a flurry

the butterflies are restless.
or they're migrating. or coming home.
or something.

this morning i drove through a flurry of butterflies.
the sky alive with orange and black against a cloudy backdrop.
small speckled wings midflight.

it was delightful.
yes, it even made me slightly giddy.

except i kept worrying they would splatter all over my windshield.
butterfly innards streaks on glass like a biology assignment.

a blizzard of butterflies hurrying to some secret destination.
littering the sky.

if you'd ever wanted to capture the elusive creatures it would be so easy.
as simple as stretching out your arm and closing your hand into a fist.